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Pre-Teen and Teen Classes & Workshops
Introduction to Scratchboard Art
with Susan Everitt
Grades 9 - Adult
Award winning scratchboard artist Susan Everitt will lead students in discovering the techniques used in scratchboard art, sometimes called "the art of taking away." Session One will focus on learning basic scratchboard techniques including how to transfer your image/design to the board and how to create values on scratchboard. Each student will create a 5" x 5" scratchboard piece of a butterfly. Reference photos and materials will be provided. In Session Two students will focus on learning how to add color working from your photo reference to your scratched piece. Various forms of inks and paint can be added and re-scratched, allowing for softness and a range of values to enhance the detail. Materials provided and open to all skill levels.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Saturdays, March 22, 29.
Flower Painting & Vase Mosaic
with Beverly Thomas Jenkins

Grades 9 - Adult
This 4-day Impasto painting and mosaic workshop is for the person who wants to try painting and mosaics without having prior knowledge of either. Students will be creating a beautiful bouquet of flowers using water-soluble oil paint in a mosaic vase. The style is intuitive, casual, and abstract. The canvas is a 12" x 16" flat board which will fit a frame of your choice (not included). This is a great workshop to take with family or friends!
9:00 am - Noon, Wednesdays and Fridays, March 26, March 28, April 2, 4.
Glass Fusion - Garden Stakes Workshop
with Karen Hitchcock

Grade 9 - Adult
A two-hour glass fusion workshop making decorative glass stakes to liven up your potted plants. Each student will create their own designs and make up to five garden stakes. All materials are included and fired projects will be available two weeks after class.
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Tuesday, April 8.
Will run
Cyanotype Printing Workshop 1
with Kay Grogg

Grades 9 - ADULT
Cyanotype is a photo process developed in the late 1800s. We will be coating paper with a photosensitive solution to make our exposures to the sun. Exploring both regular and the wet processes will give the participants a variety of prints. This class is a wonderful way to understand how photography was originally used in its inception. Beautiful Indigo blue photo prints are the result of this process.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Saturday, April 12.
Will run
Cyanotype Printing Workshop 2
with Kay Grogg

Grades 9 - ADULT
Cyanotype is a photo process developed in the late 1800s. We will be coating paper with a photosensitive solution to make our exposures to the sun. Exploring both regular and the wet processes will give the participants a variety of prints. This class is a wonderful way to understand how photography was originally used in its inception. Beautiful Prussian blue photo prints are the result of this process.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Saturday, April 19.
Will run
Advanced Cyanotype
with Kay Grogg

Grades 9 - ADULT
Advanced Cyanotype will take you to the next level of this photo process. Students will further explore the wet method, learn how to layer their prints, make double exposures, and print on fabric. This two-session workshop will emphasize cyanotype techniques so the students can successfully create cyanotypes at home.
Pre-requisite: Beginning level Cyanotype Class or basic Cyanotype experience.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Saturdays, May 3, 10.
Will run