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Pre-Teen and Teen Classes & Workshops
Creative Constructions
with Sydney Jackson

Ages: 8 - 12
Grades 3-6
Creative Constructions is designed for students who have taken Art Adventures or have the basic art skills needed to create more complex activities and projects. This class will allow young creatives to construct original pieces of art and to learn more about painting, drawing, mixed media, narrative art, and printmaking. Creative Constructions students will be introduced to a variety of art materials and learn new artistic techniques while reinforcing the basic elements of art. For example, students will work with scratchboards, learn perspective drawing, try their hand at watercolor and acrylic painting, and learn about master artists. Small class size allows for individual attention in a fun and inviting environment!
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Thursdays, February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10.
Will run
Mixed Media Collage
with Taylor Norris
Grade 9- Adult
Explore the possibilities that arise when making art from non-traditional materials and learn to masterfully blend different mediums together to form a unified artwork. We will consider how collage and assemblage art is "built" like a sculpture on a 2D surface, and a sense of play and experimentation will be encouraged.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm, Saturdays, February 8, 15, 22, March 1.
Eight Easy Earrings
with Carla Crader
9th Grade - Adult
Learn about sterling silver and other metals for making quality jewelry while also learning to use the tools common to process. Gain knowledge of the various prefabricated components for earrings, then discover how to make them yourself. Finally, combine with natural stones and other materials to create eight pairs of beautiful earrings!
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Wednesdays, February 19, 26, March 5, 12.
Young Potters
with Sydney Jackson

Ages: 11 - 14
Grades 6-8
This is a pottery class for older elementary and middle school age children. In this course, students will create fun, decorative, and functional projects and can explore different techniques for working with clay including the pottery wheel.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm, Saturdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5.
Will run
Glass Fusion - Cat Dish
with Karen Hitchcock

Grade 9 - Adult
Your cat deserves a dish of its own!! Everything you will need is included in this two-hour glass fusion workshop. Each student will make a one-of-a- kind dish for their beloved fur baby! All materials are included and fired projects will be available two weeks after class.
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Tuesday, March 4.
Basket Weaving for the Beginner
with LeVonne Kaltenmark

9th Grade - Adult
In this beginner class, students will make a new basket each week. All baskets will be done in a traditional weave or coil method. Some baskets will have a ceramic base pre-made by the instructor while others will have a wood base. Each basket will be functional and artistic.
* This class is sponsored by the Berea College Appalachian Fund, Folk Arts & Cultures Initiative Grant.
10:00 am - 1:00 pm, Saturdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12.
Will run
Introduction to Scratchboard Art
with Susan Everitt
Grades 9 - Adult
Award winning scratchboard artist Susan Everitt will lead students in discovering the techniques used in scratchboard art, sometimes called "the art of taking away." Session One will focus on learning basic scratchboard techniques including how to transfer your image/design to the board and how to create values on scratchboard. Each student will create a 5" x 5" scratchboard piece of a butterfly. Reference photos and materials will be provided. In Session Two students will focus on learning how to add color working from your photo reference to your scratched piece. Various forms of inks and paint can be added and re-scratched, allowing for softness and a range of values to enhance the detail. Materials provided and open to all skill levels.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Saturdays, March 22, 29.
Flower Painting & Vase Mosaic
with Beverly Thomas Jenkins

Grades 9 - Adult
This 4-day Impasto painting and mosaic workshop is for the person who wants to try painting and mosaics without having prior knowledge of either. Students will be creating a beautiful bouquet of flowers using water-soluble oil paint in a mosaic vase. The style is intuitive, casual, and abstract. The canvas is a 12" x 16" flat board which will fit a frame of your choice (not included). This is a great workshop to take with family or friends!
9:00 am - Noon, Wednesdays and Fridays, March 26, March 28, April 2, 4.